Board Meeting 1/19/2016 Minutes
Attendees: Mike Lampron, Jill Lampron, Tom Palin, John Maddelena
Meeting started at 7:05
- Uniforms
- This coming Wed and TH are uniform nights for the club
- We will create a uniform order form for new uniforms that may be needed
- We will place an order with Sports Central for any additional uniforms we need
Lots of great discussion about next year – how Hockey does uniforms, etc…
- Registrations
- Concerned with U10 Girls, U12 Girls..Each of these groups will require 4 additional players to round out a “B” team.
- Two U10 Boys that are not placed right now. Do we cut, add alternates or what should we do? Jill will check with Coach Kris to see if he can take them as alternates
- Mike Lampron & Mike Goodrich to have a girls U16-U18 team meeting on Monday to discuss next steps
- Early Feb deadline from VSA in regards to club numbers
Discussed methods of recruiting on the girls side, since numbers are quite low there.
- Coaches
- No new updates on coaching staff
- U8 fun days are scheduled. This will also dictate how many U8 teams we have.
- Website
- Mike Lampron to check in with Earthlogic on progress. I have not checked in with them since the holidays.
- We do need content for the website. Anything we have we should start pulling together.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45.