Player Expectations
It should be expected that players attend all scheduled practices and games from May-June. As Essex United does not guarantee equal playing time, coaches determine playing time based on player commitment to the team for scheduled events.
Minimum expectations (75% of practices and 90% scheduled games). Coaches may alter or provide flexibility to players with conflicts at their discretion.
Players not meeting the expectations of the coach may be re-assigned to lower level teams after approval of the Essex United head coach coordinator. This will allow teams to move up players with a greater amount of commitment to backfill rosters.
Parents should review these guidelines and expectations prior to team selections and communicate problems to the Head Coach of the team.
NOTE: It is not the intent of Essex United to prohibit players from participating in other activities. It is the expectation that every player provide a serious commitment to the team as absence may result in poor team morale and or forfeits from games and tournaments. It should be every coach, parent, and player’s understanding that commitment is more important than skill when building team foundations.
Parent Expectations
The Essex United Soccer Club is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the sport of soccer in our area. We depend on parental involvement to make the organization run smoothly. During the course of the season, you will be called upon to help your team’s coaches in any number of ways. Please assist if at all possible. Each year our club sponsors a soccer tournament that provides not only a rich soccer experience, but also serves as our primary fundraiser for the year. We require every family to volunteer at least two hours per player of their time at our annual tournament. In addition each family may be required to participate in an annual fund raising event.
League and Tournament Expectations
Essex United teams compete in the Vermont Soccer League (VSL). This is a competitive travel league for teams throughout the state of Vermont. The league consists of three divisions which are grouped by competitive level. League matches begin in early May and run into mid-June. Game days and locations vary depending on the age group and on the division. Most games are played on weekends, Friday evening through Sunday. More information is available on the league website at
EUSC also holds a yearly tournament toward the end of June (free for our teams). Teams may choose to also play in other in-state or out-of-state tournaments. Out-of-state tournaments often involve a day or two of lodging expense. In the past years, our teams have participated in competitive tournaments in New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, and Canada.
Register for the 2025 season: click here!
If you have any questions with registration, please mail us at