33rd Annual Tournament & Shoot Out
Tree Farm Recreational Facility, Essex, VT
June 21-22, 2025
Thank you for your interest in our event! We are very excited to host again in 2025. We recognize our Tournament represents the end of the season for many attending teams, and we aim to once again make it a fun weekend celebration for everyone.
Please see details below on registration, pricing, and rules. We have made some changes from prior years, so please review, especially on registration and team check-in requirements. Reach out to the tournament director, Adam Smith, with questions.
**NEW 2025*** We will offer 2 divisions of play within U10 and U12 groups. These will be the Lion (targeted at Vermont Division 2) and Gryphon (targeted at Vermont Division 3). You will be able to request the division in your registration. We’ll do our best to use these inputs, but we reserve the right to ask teams to change from their chosen division in order to balance numbers where appropriate.
**NEW 2025*** U16/U19 Team competition format – In an effort to increase participation among clubs with smaller rosters in these age groups, for 2025 we are changing this to a 8v8 format, played on U12 fields. Teams may use their 11v11 rosters from spring season play.
This is a US Youth Soccer sanctioned “S3” Restricted Tournament, intended for Club and Travel teams. All participating teams must have US Youth Soccer membership and an official US Youth Soccer photo roster validated (i.e., stamped) by a state association. We will once again accept rosters electronically, attached to your registration in GotSport. Physical or electronic player passes will not be required.
Note on competitive levels: As an “S3” tournament, we intend to accept teams at various levels of state competition, except for the highest level of play in that state. For example, Vermont Soccer League (VSL) Division 1, and Vermont Premier League (VPL) teams are discouraged from applying and registrations will not be accepted. For teams entering from outside of Vermont, feel free to contact the tournament director with questions.
Limits: Maximum Roster sizes and guest player limits are listed below by age group. Guest Players are defined as players who are not from your Club, but are age appropriate, registered with a state association, and have player passes. For registration purposes, we need to see the player’s state association approved photo roster (not their player pass). Players may appear on two team rosters if those teams are in different age groups and the player is playing “up” in age group from their primary team (e.g. a U16 Girls team player rostered also on a U19 Girls team).
U8 teams will have two scheduled games (Sunday only). Coaches will be responsible for refereeing these games. U8’s are non-results brackets, scores will not be recorded.
U10 and above, a minimum of three tournament matches are scheduled, with playoffs on Sunday afternoon for qualifying teams.
Team Shootout Competitions are held after each regular tournament match. Six shooters from each team will participate after each match.
Awards will be given to age group winners and runners-up for the Tournament. Awards will also be presented to the winner of each age group’s Shootout competition. Participation awards will be given to all U8 players.
Age groups are filled on a first come, first served basis. You are encouraged to enter as soon as possible, since we expect to fill each age group before the registration deadline. Acceptance confirmations will be emailed to each team as divisions are filled. Any team that withdraws from the tournament after their confirmation has been emailed will forfeit their registration fee
2025 Age Group Details
Tournament Rules
Game Rules:
* FIFA RULES apply, unless otherwise stated or modified in the rules below.
* U10 Girls/U10 Boys: Direct Kicks will be awarded for fouls, hand balls, etc. as indicated in normal FIFA rules. Build-out line is in effect, as well as offsides.
* ROSTERS, NUMBER of PLAYERS and GUEST PLAYERS: Refer to limits listed above. Players can only be listed on one team’s tournament roster.
Team rosters should include player photos (large format) and should be state association approved versions.
U8 & U10: 2 Guest Players/team
U12 & U14: 3 Guest Players/team
U16 & U19: 3 Guest Players/team
* SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions will be unlimited, but may only be made with referee permission.
* MATCHES: Matches will start at the referee’s whistle. A coin toss will determine the choice of kick off or field side.
- U10 matches will consist of 2 (two) twenty minute periods with a five minute break between halves.
- U12/U14 matches will consist of 2 (two) twenty-five minute periods with a five minute break between halves.
- U16/U19 matches will consist of 2 (two) twenty-five minute periods with a five minute break between halves.
At half-time teams will switch sides and play commences with a kick off by the team who did not kick off to start the match. All teams will play a minimum of 3 matches with playoff games to follow for qualifying teams.
* TIME: Official match time will be kept by referees. All matches are played with running time.
* UNIFORMS: Each team must bring an alternate set of shirts
(or pinnies) in case of duplication of colors. Team coaches will reach an agreement before the match on shirt colors in the event of duplication. Goalkeepers must wear jerseys easily distinguishable from both teams. Use of shin guards is required. Referees have the authority to disallow any extra clothing worn by players. Jewelry is forbidden.
* FORFEITS: A team forfeits if it cannot field a team of at least 9 players for 11v11 format matches, 7 for 9v9, 6 for 8v8, and 5 players for 7v7 matches no more than 5 minutes after the scheduled match start time. Teams winning by forfeit will be credited with a 2-0 victory. A forfeit will also be granted if any team is found to be in violation of the roster limitations or played a match with an illegal player during any game and is identified by Officials, Field Marshals or Tournament committee. If the winning team is NOT the violating team, the score will stand.
* PLAYER PASSES: Player passes are not required, but names and photos will be checked at registration via official rosters. During matches, a coach may challenge any player on the opposing team. In the event of a challenge, the referee must be notified prior to the completion of the match, and the photo roster will be examined at the end of the match. Any team using an illegal player will forfeit all matches in which that player played.
* DISQUALIFICATION: Any coach or player receiving a red card must leave the playing area and a player will not be replaced in that game. That coach or player will also be suspended from the next match. THE SUSPENDED COACH/PLAYER CANNOT BE ON THE BENCH SIDE OF THE FIELD FOR THE DISQUALIFIED MATCH.
For gross misconduct, as determined by the referee, the Tournament Committee can suspend a coach or player for the remainder of the tournament.
* BALL SIZE: U8 teams will play with a size 3 ball. U10/U12 teams will play with a size 4 ball. U14/U16/U19 teams will play with a size 5 ball. Game balls will be provided by the tournament.
* PROTEST: No protests will be allowed on judgment calls by the referee. Protests on tournament/game rules must be filed with the tournament committee no later than 30 minutes after match completion. All decisions of the Tournament Committee are final with no appeal allowed.
* WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather, Tournament Committee Officials shall have the authority to change the format and schedule in any way as follows:
1. Relocate/reschedule or change the duration of any games.
2. Cancel any game having no bearing on tournament playoffs
3. Any game in progress terminated due to weather shall be considered official after 20 minutes have been played for U12/U14/U16/U18 teams or after 15 minutes for U10 teams.
No refund will take place due to tournament changes caused by weather.
**NEW 2025** in your registration you will have an option to purchase add-on insurance, which will cover your registration fee in event of partial or full cancellation due to weather or unplayable field conditions. Note this is through the GotSport system via a 3rd party provider, insurance fees do not benefit Essex United Soccer Club directly.
* THUNDERSTORM/LIGHTNING: In the event that thunder or lightning is detected, ALL PLAY will be suspended. Tournament Officials will sound an air horn with a series of 3 five second blasts. The Referee will note the time and score of their match. All players, coaches, officials and fans should leave the field and retreat to their vehicles. Tents and treed areas are NOT safe. After each lightning flash or clap of thunder, a member of the tournament staff will restart a stop watch. Once thirty (30) minutes has passed from the last flash or thunder clap, an all clear will be given by sounding a series of single one second blasts on the air horn. Teams will be allowed a short (5 minute) warm-up before play resumes. Any team that does not appear on the field with the minimum number of players needed within fifteen (15) minutes of the all clear shall forfeit the match.
* HEAT ISSUES: To better ensure consistency in matches, the following will apply for all matches:
Green Flag: No game modifications
Yellow Flag:
U8/U10 Teams: 20 min→15min halves with a 10 minute halftime.
U12 Teams: 25 min→20 min halves with a 7 minute halftime.
U14+ Teams: 30 min→20 min halves with a 7 minute halftime
Red Flag: Play stops.
* TEAM AND SPECTATOR AREAS: Spectators should be on the sideline opposite that of the players. Signs or benches will mark the team and spectator sides. Spectators and players are asked to honor a one yard set back from the sideline.
Tournament Scoring
Scoring / Standings / Playoff Formats
TOURNAMENT SCORING: Points will be awarded as follows:
3 points for a win
1 point for a tie
0 points for a loss
STANDINGS: In case of a tie in standings after all pre-playoff matches, the following, in order, will be used to break the tie:
- Head to head play winner will be played ahead of the other team (not used for a three way tie)
- Cumulative Goal Differential (Maximum of 6 per match)
- Most goals scored (Maximum of 6 per match)
- Fewest Goals allowed
- Coin Toss
Playoff Ties / Overtime:
If a playoff match ends in a tie after regulation time, the following will be used to determine the winner:
- Two 5 minute periods of SUDDEN VICTORY (1st Goal Wins), (Two 10 minute periods of SUDDEN VICTORY if in the finals)
- Five Penalty kicks per team, taken by 5 separate players who were on the playing field at the end of the overtime play. The team with the most goals at the end of the shooting wins.
- Individual Penalty Kicks by each team. The first team to have a goal advantage at the end of a round is the winner. Players must have been on the field at the end of the overtime play and all players must shoot once before a player shoots again
Playoff Formats:
16 Teams – 4 Brackets – Winner Div A v Winner Div C + Winner Div B v Winner Div D – 2 Semis and 1 Final
12 Teams – 3 Brackets – Winner Div A v Winner Div C + Winner Div B v 2nd place team with most points (Note: if 2nd place team with most points is from Div B then it will be Div A v 2nd place + Div B v Div C) – 2 Semis and 1 Final
8-10 Teams – 2 Brackets – Winner Div A v Winner Div B – Final
4 Teams – 1 Bracket – 1st & 2nd place teams – Final
Odd teams – Every effort will be made to avoid odd brackets, but if it occurs, one team will be assigned an extra (4th) “pool” game against a team needing a game (3rd) to complete their pool play. For this game, results count toward playoff assignment for the team playing their 3rd game, but do not for the team playing their 4th.
** If multiple teams have the same point total, tournament standings tie breaker rules will be followed.