Meeting Minutes – Dec 20, 2016.
Attendees: Mike & Jill Lampron; Lise Saucier; Tom Palin; Ed DeMulder
Meeting began at 7:10pm
Registrar: Jill Lampron
Waitlisted Players: U10 Girls: 6
U12 Girls: 7
U10 Boys: 1
Registered Players: U16 Girls: 8
U19 Girls: 5
– Discussion took place on how to handle U16 & U19 Girls teams. Decision to hold joint meeting
of both teams and discuss options, including combining them as a U19 Team allowing
U16 Parents to opt out if they so desire.
Actions: 1) Ed to contact Mike Goodrich and discuss situation with him and let Mike Lampron
know how the call goes.
2) Mike Lampron to notify U16/U19 Parents of a joint Parent Meeting in January he will hold.
3) Ed to reach out to Milton SC and Williston SC to see if they have any players still looking
for teams: U10 B&G; U12G; U14G; U16/19G
4) Jill Lampron to reach out to EUSC Coaches regarding last players to complete registrations
so individual teams can be registered with VSA in January, 2017. Some teams ready to go now.
Club “Spirit Wear”: Jill Lampron
Jill has cleaned up EUSC website and options for Parents to order EUSC “Spirit Wear”.
She will release link to Parents in January.
Uniforms: Jill Lampron
Excess Uniforms to be sold to Families before allowing them to order new Uniforms thru Sports Central.
EUSC Uniform Nights: Weds Jan 25 & Thurs Jan 26 6-8PM in EUSC HS Guidance Lobby
Actions: 1) Mike to reserve space in Essex HS for EUSC Uniform Nights
2) Jill to contact Coaches to obtain numbers assigned to current registered players.
List of current numbers by team required at Uniform Night
EUSC Coach Coordinator: Ed DeMulder
Ed handed out update on Coach Coordinator activities. He is working with teams on finalizing Parent Mtgs.
He estimated 1/2 have held Parents mtg.
Coaching attire ordered/embroidered and started to be delivered.
Kenny Willets taking the lead in setting up 4-6 U6/U8 Fun Days January thru April
EUSC Tournament Director: Ed DeMulder
Ed handed out an update on EUSC Tnmt. First Tournament Committee Mtg held 12/07
Discussed open Committee positions. Four Slots filled since meeting!
Plan to open 2017 Tournament Registrations thru GOTSoccer in late January (vs April in 2016).
Actions: 1) Mike to send out email to EUSC Parents looking for 2 Asst Tnmt Directors and one Volunteer Coordinator
2) Jill to remind Tammy about thumbdrive of documents she was to get to Ed
3) Ed to update Tnmt Documents for new EUSC Website and send to Mike Lampron
Mike said EARTH LOGIC is building website with target date mid-January. Ed asked Mike to obtain a target date.
Mike said content could be loaded while website was being built.
Vermont Soccer League: Tom Palin
Tom gave a report on key dates documented/agreed to at AGM, Ed sent them out to Coaches this week.
First Games for EUSC Teams VSL in 2017 not until first weekend in May.
D1 teams planning to start in late March on Turf Fields around area
Club Advertising: Tom Palin
EUSC Ads in Westford Town Flyer, “Islander” newspaper, and Front Porch Forum
Tom plans to use the ad run in the Islands newspaper for the Essex Reporter
Treaurer: Lise Saucier
Lise will start working on Y/E and 4Q Financials in late December
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, January 19th 7pm in Essex HS
Meeting adjoined at 8:30pm